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Message du directeur / Principal’s Message

Registration for the next school year must be completed online annually by May 31st

Bonjour and welcome to École Cobble Hill

The staff hopes this site will be useful for those wanting more information about our school. We recognize the value of effective communication with students, parents and the public and we hope that you will find this new website helpful in learning more about what is happening at École Cobble Hill.

École Cobble Hill, situated in an idyllic rural area of the Cowichan Valley, is expanding every year and we are excited and proud to be able to offer the possibility of learning French to the children of the south end of the district.

We are fortunate to have an enthusiastic group of parents who participate and assist in many different aspects of our school. Parents who have their children in our school become members of the PAC (Parent Advisory Council).

Our school is a vibrant community made up of not only students, parents and staff of École Cobble Hill, but also members of the larger community and extended families. We welcome you to help in classrooms, to participate as committee members, or just to drop by for a visit.

Another important focus for École Cobble Hill is fostering a sense of responsibility in our students. Our Ready For Respect programme is geared towards developing intrinsic motivation for students to act in a responsible and caring way. Students are aware that they can make a difference in the world and that it is up to them to take a positive and active role. Our school encourages students to participate in discussions, projects and clubs that promote and develop that knowledge.

If you have any questions about our school, we welcome your questions and comments. Feel free to email or phone us.
